Our Young Adult group is called 'Blueprints' because we believe that your time at university is such a key and foundational time for people in their walk with Jesus. We meet regularly on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm to give time to be together and go deeper in our relationship with Jesus. It's a great opportunity to meet and connect with new people.
At 'Blueprints', we believe it's important to have an environment where you have the freedom to share your experiences and ask any questions that you might have about life and faith. There is no question that is silly or stupid. We'll do everything we can to help you feel at home with us.
We also run outreaches over the term to share the life and love of Jesus. These are from meals on Sundays at Alpine, the main night club in Ormskirk, to being in Ormskirk market with a stall, to Alpha, to partnering with Kintsugi Hope to help people with their mental health. Details will be released shortly of dates for this.
In addition to our midweek get togethers, we also join up with the wider church for our Sunday morning celebrations at The Community Church and nationally with other churches. We have a national YA day away on Saturday November 2nd and our weekend away in Cefn Lea Feb 28th-March 2nd.
Don't worry about transport to and from the meetings as we arrange that free of charge!
We’d love to meet you and introduce you to one of our amazing 'Blueprints' leaders.
If you're new to Edge Hill and would like to talk to someone then please do get in touch with us and we'd love to have a chat or click here to book some time with our YA worker, you can meet in-person or online.