Here Are Some FAQs
Here are some of the common questions we have been asked in particular about our Sunday morning celebrations. We hope you find the answers useful but if you need to know anything else please get in touch using the phone number / email or contact form at the bottom of this page.

Where do you meet
What time does it start

On a usual Sunday Celebration we start at 10.30am. 

Our crèche, infant and junior age children usually stay in for the first part of the meeting and then go out at a designated time to their age specific groups. We finish around 12.10 and then there is opportunity for ministry, coffee, tea and a chat! Feel free to stay or go after the meeting closes.

Is there a dress code

There is no dress code other than … please wear something! Wear what you are comfortable in.

Where can I park

There are a limited number of spaces in the car park onsite with some designated spaces for blue badge holders.  If you have mobility issues, then you can call the administration office (01704 500911) midweek, during office hours and request that a space is saved. This will be held open for you until 10:15am if you are attending on a Sunday morning.

There is free on street parking around The Community Church but please respect our neighbours and don’t park over their driveways … thank you!

What will happen when I arrive

There is free onsite and offsite parking but please respect the neighbours driveways and allow 10 minutes to be able to get parked, walk in and be settled for the start of the meeting at 10:30am. 

One of our welcome team will greet and guide you to a suitable seat and introduce you to some people in the church. They will also be happy to answer any questions and point out the location of the toilets and children’s / youth workers, if that is required.

Where should I sit

There are no reserved seats, so you are welcome to sit wherever you feel most comfortable.  However, following the Covid-outbreak we have in place some guidelines/options that we have kept in place even though nationally there are few restrictions required.

We ask that all our guests look to respect each other's personal space. Feel free to wear or not wear a face covering. There are little red flower discs available as you walk in the room. These are so that you can place one on the seat next to yours, if you would like no one to sit there. 

The pairs of seats, at the side of the meeting room, are for those people who want to be present but need a little extra space, so please be aware they might not welcome physical touch. Meanwhile the balcony of the Meeting Place is primarily reserved for those who may arrive late/ leave early and do not want close and personal or physical contact. We hope that having all these measures in place will create an environment where we can all connect with God and each other in a personal and safe way.

Are there any Bibles available

We do have a few spare bibles around if you need one, although most people attending bring their own or have a use of one of the many free bible apps on their phones.  Often times, the scriptures someone preaches from, are displayed on the projection screen at the front of the meeting room. 

What happens at the end of the meeting

Of course you may just need to leave and that’s fine but you are more than welcome to stay, have a chat over some free refreshments – sometimes we have cake! If you would value some prayer from a member of the ministry team then please just have a chat with one of the welcome team hosts or any of the leaders you have seen in the meeting.

What type of songs do you sing

We have a worship team that lead us in a mix of ‘modern’ praise and worship songs, with some hymns- old and new.  You will also find that there are times when we have spontaneous new songs and singing in tongues – we are a charismatic church and love to follow where the Holy Spirit leads us rather than just going through a “song set” before the speaker gets up. 

We encourage body ministry, where the congregation (those people known to us) can bring encouragement, scriptures, testimonies and the gifts of the Spirit. One of the church leaders is near the front of the platform and we ask that all who may have a ‘possible contribution’, have a word to check if it is going to fit into the meeting.   We try to be a responsive people in our praise and when the speaker, if we have one, preaches!  We encourage our children while they are in with us to participate in praise. We are more than happy for them to be in with us, there are live links in the reception area and parents' & nursing mums' room if you need a little time out…. for whatever reason.

Words for the songs are projected at the front of the meeting… but feel free just to listen if you don’t know the songs.  Sometimes, all those who are able, are encouraged to stand together but generally you can sit, stand, kneel or lie down ….. do whatever is appropriate and comfortable! We hope that helps!

Will there be breaking of bread

We have breaking bread (also known as communion / Eucharist / the Lord’s table ) at least once a month and sometimes more frequently. Following Covid-times, we ensure anyone handling the bread or wine (we use non alcoholic juice) has sanitised their hands. If you have asked Jesus into your life you are welcome to participate. Children who understand the significance of the act of breaking bread and who have their own relationship with God, are of course welcome to join in.  Please be aware we do not always have gluten free bread options available. Stewards in the room will ensure everyone has access to the bread and wine – please ask them if you have any questions.

Is there an offering/collection

In short …Yes there is! However, there is no pressure for any of our guests to give. Sometimes baskets are passed around the room / other times the baskets for giving are near the exit doors. Many people now donate electronically and details for our tithe and offering accounts usually are on the display screen, as well as various tithe and offering envelopes placed around the room.  There is also an opportunity to give via a contactless card reader, usually located at the rear of the room. You can find out more details about giving under the ‘Let’s give” tab on the front page of the community church website.

Are there any groups for children/youth

Yes. All children usually stay in the Church meeting for around the first 20 minutes. 

At an appropriate moment the worship leader or the meeting leader will indicate when the children will be released to their Sunday groups - all hosted by vetted and approved teachers – all members of the church. Feel free to go with your children and register them into the class. 

There is a crèche available for children under 4, we have a “Super Sunday” class for infant/ junior school age up to 11 years. We also have youth group – who split between being in the adult meeting and having their own time together – please speak to one of the welcome team who will put you in touch with the youth leader.

If your child has any problems or concerns while in their class we have a direct link in the meeting room to the classes and you will be contacted should your child need you. Children can of course stay with you throughout the meeting but they will miss out on all the fun. 

For those with babies or finding the need to have some space & time with their child, we do have a parents' room, next to the toilet area in the Meeting Place  where there is a live link to the meeting, and you will find a baby changing unit, with nappy supplies – if you have any other needs our welcome team will be happy to assist.

Are there baby changing facilities

Yes. There are changing units in the disabled toilets and a free-standing one in the parent / nursing mums' room. If you run short of nappy supplies we also have some spare – please ask one of the stewards or welcome team for assistance.

Are there any facilities for the disabled

All of our buildings at The Family Life Centre have step free access and electric opening doors for ease of entry and exit. There are parking spaces in the car park reserved for blue badge holders. If you are aware of a need for parking you can ring the office during weekday normal office hours to reserve a parking space on Sunday (please note that if you have not arrived by 10:15am then your space will be released for others to use) 

There are disabled toilet facilities available in both of our buildings. For wheelchair users, if you require assistance to be positioned in a certain part of the meeting to help with viewing, our stewards are more than happy to help.

There is a hearing loop available in both of our larger meeting rooms.

If you have any more questions that haven't been answered here, then please get in touch with us
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