Becoming A Christian

We have some good news to share

Everyone likes to hear good news! It refreshes the spirit, brightens up our day and brings encouragement and hope to people all over the world. Jesus said that He came into the world so that we might have an amazing life (John 10:10). The good news is that you can personally encounter and experience this new eternal life, his amazing love, forgiveness, peace, strength and power. It is one of the most thrilling things to discover that God loves you, and that He has a plan and a purpose for your life.

What’s it got to do with me?

This life is for everyone and anyone. The Bible tells us that we have all gone our own way in life, turned away from God and so all are separated from the life that God wants us to experience. God loves us very much and wants us all to have a better and eternal life. To help us all to be able to reconnect with His love and life, God made a way back to know Him by sending His Son. He lived a life here on earth as an example for all of us to follow. His name is Jesus. To show us all that it was possible to receive eternal life, Jesus had to die and come alive again, which He did. He was executed on a cross and in His death Jesus removed all the separation between man and God. When he came alive again He was the first person in human history to be seen with eternal life, He could never die again! Jesus is now changing lives of millions of people all over the world. These people are from different backgrounds, cultures, and ages and the amazing joy is that Jesus can do the same for you as He has done for so many… now that is good news!

Knowing Jesus

Knowing Jesus is amazing and simple! He says anyone who is willing to accept Him as the leader and forgiver in their life will receive eternal life just like Him. It’s very simple, but that’s how God wants it to be because He wants all of us to experience this wonderful life and relationship with Him. The great news is that there is nothing you can do to earn this life … you can’t pay for it, earn it or be a better person to make you worthy. It is a free gift that God gives to all who will believe and trust in Jesus. Jesus has the power to forgive us all that we may have done wrong, we can find forgiveness and freedom and experience God’s power to live this amazing new life.

If you’d like to have Jesus in your life, there’s a simple prayer that you can pray right now

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you that You love me with all of Your heart; so much so that You came to die for me so that I could have a relationship with You forever. I thank You that You have made a way for me to come back to You and to enter into a life that is full of excitement, power and purpose. I’m sorry for the bad things I have done in my life and I want You to take them all away for me. I believe that You have the power to set me free from it all. I give it all to You now and ask You for forgiveness. Please, Lord Jesus, be the leader in my life. I want to follow You now and I want to be led by your Holy Spirit and I want to discover the plans and purpose that You have for my life. Amen.

What now?

The Bible tells us one of the first things we should do is to get baptised as soon as possible. It is a powerful sign and symbol that you have begun this new life with Jesus. Another great first step is to tell someone that you have decided to follow Jesus so why not get in touch with us and we can help find you a church family near to where you live so you can get connected and continue to grow in your new found faith!

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